Battlefield Hardline Review

Battlefield Hardline Review

Battlefield Hardline trades in your soldier gear for cop gear. This title makes a break from many of the standard features which we typically associate with a Battlefield title. The move to cops and robbers does work and EA is trying to keep this game fresh with a few more differences as well.

The campaign may arguably be the best BF single player campaign to date. The characters are well developed and extreme;y well written. Although they are cliche types, like the angry boss and the woman partner shaking her head at you, they do accomplish the feel of characters and you will develop an attachment to them. Moments of humor were also well received as the game may have you laughing out loud at times.

The story was not particularly innovative but does the job. I will say that I for one did not appreciate the Tea Party portrayal as racist criminals. Elements like this have no part in video games and EA should be ashamed for this inclusion. Now, I should explain that I am not a Tea Party member or even a right wing Republican but this blatant attack on this political group just does not sit well and feels forced while out of place at the same time. I would not recommend buying this game new for this reason alone. That being said, allow me to continue with the review.

The game runs at 60 FPS and it is smooth on both current-gen consoles. Resolution is not up to par with other games out their. Battlefield Hardline runs at 720p on Xbox One and about 900p on PS4. Some bugs and hiccups did occur during the campaign play through.

Stealth becomes a part of Battlefield Hardline. You have the option to sneak around and arrest the bad guys one by one instead of just busting in guns blazing. In fact stealth is actually more rewarding to receive the bigger badder gun options, because you get more for handcuffing a criminal rather than just gunning them down.

Multiplayer is still the big draw and it is okay in Battlefield Hardline. Maps are smaller which does not play into the Battlefield staple of large maps with lots of players. Small maps with lots of players just isn’t the same experience we have come to expect from this franchise. Even the Conquest mode which features 66 players and vehicles to commandeer just feels smaller than it should.

Other multiplayer modes consist of Hacker mode where you take over cameras and make use of tear gas to cause mayhem. The new Hotwire mode demands you keep control of moving vehicles. Eh, its okay.

The game also includes new additions to your arsenal like zip line and grappling hook gadgets. This changes up the mobility in this Battlefield game. You may find yourself needing more slots. Guns are not plentiful and pickings are slim for gun choices.

EA is trying to keep this title fresh and it works to a certain degree. Overall it left me with the impression that the game was rushed to market and perhaps may have benefited by being worked on for a few more months. It is a still a good game and does change up the Battlefield formula in a good way.

I rank Battlefield Hardline a 7 out of 10.


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